Mr. Dago Gohomene Alain, Mph
Dago Alain GOHOMENE is a Lecturer in Maritime Law and Port Management at the Regional Maritime Academy in Cote d’Ivoire and PhD degree candidate in Operations and System Management at the University of Portsmouth in England. He holds a Managing Director position in Ets Dodo SARL, a modern private transportation company in Cote d’Ivoire.
He previously worked as a shipping Agent at New Line agencies Ltd in London as a Trading Standards Assistant at the Liverpool City Council in Liverpool and as a Stevedore for SIVOM (Societe Ivoirienne d ‘Operation Maritime) and Geodis overseas.
Mr. Dago earned a Master of Philosophy degree at Liverpool John Moores University in England and his research interests are in the area of Port and Customs centric Single Window System, Transport logistics, Port Management, Stevedore and Maritime law. His article titled “The Attractiveness of ports in West Africa: Some Lessons from Shipping Lines’ Port Selection” was published in The Growth and Change (G&C) Special Issue of Port, Maritime Logistics and Regional Development.
Dago Alain GOHOMENE is a Lecturer in Maritime Law and Port Management at the Regional Maritime Academy in Cote D’Ivoire. He is a member of CREMPOL (Centre de Recherche Maritime Portuaire et Logistique d’Abidjan). He is currently doing a PhD in Operation and System Management at the University of Portsmouth in England. He is also working as the Managing Director of Ets Dodo Sarl. He previously worked as a Shipping agent at New Line agencies Ltd in London; worked as a Trading Standards Assistant at the Liverpool City Council in Liverpool. He also worked as a Stevedore for SIVOM (Societe Ivoirienne d’Operation Maritime), and Geodis overseas. He also visited the Suez Canal and interviewed Shipping Agents in Egypt (Port Said, Ismailia) for research purpose.
Following GOHOMENE Mphil degree, he published an Academic journal entitled: “The attractiveness of ports in West Africa: some lessons from shipping lines’ port selection” This article was published in 2015 in The Growth and Change (G&C) special issue “Port, Maritime Logistics and Regional Development.
His research interests are in the area of Port and Customs centric Single Window System, Transport logistics, Port management, Stevedore and Maritime law.
Professor Bohui Hilaire
Dr.Hilaire Bohui is Professor of linguistics and Director of the Department of Modern Letters at University Cocody-Abidjan, Peleforo Gon Coulibaly University of Korhogo and Jena Lorougnon Guede University of Daloa. He is a member of the Scientific Committees NODUS SCIENDI Journal and Scientific Committees of National and International Research Groups and Journals of Côte d’Ivoire; Gabon; Cameroon; and Italy.
Dr. Bohui was previously Deputy Director of the Service of Inter-University Cooperation and International Relations (CIRI) of the University of Cocody-Abidjan; and a member of the Pedagogical Council and Head of the Pedagogical Unit of Grammar of French language Linguistics and Member of the Council of UFR Languages, Literatures and Civilizations of the University of Cocody-Abidjan.
Dr. Bohui was Co-organizer and Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the International Symposium Ahmadou Kourouma in 2013 and has been a member of the Editorial Board of the Baobab Review (online) since 2007 and serves as Deputy Editor-in-Chief of EN-QUEST, Scientific Journal of Arts, Humanities and Humanities. He has more than thirty publications in Academic journals including an essay titled Small collection of Ivories published by Editions Publibook. Dr. Bohui presented his work at national and International Conferences.
Dr. Nicolas A. Koudou, PhD
Dr. Nicolas A. Koudou is a Professor of Business Administration and former Director of Graduate Programs in Business Administration at Park University School of Business. Dr. Koudou is a two-time recipient of J. William Fulbright U.S. Scholar. He previously held Adjunct faculty positions at Butler University and the University of Indianapolis, Indiana; worked as visiting professor at “Université Africaine de Technologie et de Management, Institut Universitaire du Benin” in Republic of Benin and at Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) in Accra. He also worked for several years as Associate Editor of African Journal of Business Management.
Dr. Koudou’s memoir “Route to Success: an American Dream Tale” was released in 2017 and his research papers are published in a number of academic and professional journals such as the European Journal of Business and Management; the European Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development; the Journal of Management &World Business Research; the International Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives; the International Journal of Business and Public Administration; the Forest Product Journal; the Ghana Journal of Forestry, and the African Development Bank Magazine. His research interests are in the area of Freshwater and Sustainable Economic Development; the Impact of culture in Small Business Enterprise Innovation in Africa; Prestige Marketing; Green Marketing; Hermetic marketing; Land Acquisitions and sustainable Natural Resources Management; Foreign Direct Investment; Sustainable Economic development; Forest Resources and Eco-tourism based Sustainable development; and International Trade and Marketing of Forest Products.
Professor Koudou’s other academic recognitions include Park University President’s Award for Teaching Excellence; Outstanding Park School of Business Faculty Award; MBA Distinguished Professor Award; three times winner of Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers and Member of Louisiana State University Chapter of the Honor Society of Agriculture, Gamma Sigma Delta.
Professor Koudou has taught Global Executive MBA seminars and courses and worked as a consultant in an online Curriculum Development and Redevelopment programs as well as Blended courses. As a consultant, Dr. Koudou evaluates Graduate Business Programs to ensure quality and effective curricula delivery.
Dr. Jacques Lohourou Digbeu
Dr. Jacques Lohourou Digbeu is Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages—German and French Languages and Culture, and Coordinator of the Foreign Language Program at Hampton University, Virginia, USA. He served for many years as Editor-in-Chief of the Foreign Language Department’s Newsletter. He is the holder of a Master Degree in German from Université de Limoges and a Doctorate in German Studies from Université de Bordeaux III, France. He began his teaching career in France and later taught German and French languages and culture in Baton Rouge, Louisiana Public School System. Dr. Jacques Lohourou Digbeu is currently Co-Chair of the Global Awareness Program at Hampton University.
His research interests are diverse and focus on the History of Thoughts in the 20th Century; The Contribution of Blacks to World History; Pan-Africanist Perspectives; Challenges facing developing Countries in the Globalization; Dialogue among Cultures and Benefits of intercultural exchanges; Ethnic Minorities around the world, Preservation of endangered Languages; Advocating for Justice, Peace and global Cooperation; Setting up strategies to promote an Education for All as a pivotal tool to achieve Progress and prosperity; Afro-European and American relations; Book translation and interpreting. Dr. Lohourou Digbeu is the author of two books: “Siegfried Kracauer et les Grands Débats Intellectuels de son Temps“, published by Heinz, 2005 in Stuttgart, Germany, and “Kurt Tucholsky, der Künstler und die Obrigkeit “, published in 1995 in Limoges, France.
He is the recipient of numerous academic recognitions including the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Award; US Army Certificate of Appreciation for his Devotion, Time, Efforts and Dedication to the Soldiers of 7th Battalion 4th Brigade 80th Division; Honorary Member of Alpha Mu Gamma/The National Collegiate Foreign Language Honor Society; Who’s Who in America member since 2008; Legal Representative for CONNECT USA, a Consultancy and Training Institute in English based in Abidjan (Ivory Coast).
Madame Ouattara Madogoni Ouattara
Madame Ouattara Madogoni is Director of OARAM SERVICES, a position she has been occupying since 2004. As Director, her role is to oversee product marketing efforts and distribution throughout Cote d’Ivoire. She holds a degree in Marketing Management from EDHEC vocational school of business in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. After completing her degree in Marketing Management, she continued her studies in the field of Marketing and obtained three years later a Higher Diploma in Cultural Action from ESTAAC school of Management in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.
Dr. Okou Djabre Esaie
Dr. OKOU is Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at the Félix Houphouet-Boigny University in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, where he obtained his Ph.D. and is currently working to move up to the level of Associate Professor. His doctoral research focused on child labor issues in the informal sector of Cote d’Ivoire economy.
As an Assistant Professor, Dr. OKOU participated in different seminars and trainings at the national and regional levels, such as seminars on the introduction of security intelligence techniques, and seminars on the circulation of small arms and light weapons and security capacity building.
Dr. Okou’s other research interest is on the effects of poverty on African children. He is author of eight working papers on the subject with the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (CAMES).
Dr. Sylvain Poosson, PhD
Dr. Poosson is Professor of Foreign Languages-Spanish and French at Thomas Nelson College in Virginia. He was previously Director of International Programs and Assistant Professor of Spanish at Hampton University. As an adjunct Professor, Dr. Poosson delivered lectures in French literature and culture in the undergraduate degree program at Christopher Newport University and taught introductory courses in Business Administration.
Dr. Poosson holds a PhD degree from the University of Virginia and an MBA degree from the University of Maryland-University College. Earlier he earned a political science degree from Madrid School of Diplomacy in Spain and moved on to obtain his Master of Arts degree in Modern Spanish Literature from Université Paul Valéry in Montpellier, France.
He is the author of “La historia silenciada: los afroargentinos, protagonistas de un drama social,” a book on Black culture in Argentina. His research interest is on the African Diaspora in Latin American. Dr. Poosson attended and presented his research at National and international conferences on Latin American culture.
Rabe Gohomene Bernard, DEA
Bernard Rabé is Controller and Auditor of Finance at the “Direction Générale du Budget et des Finances (DGBF)” of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire. In this senior leadership position, he is in charge of carrying out any ex post facto evaluation of the expenditures of the Central Government and those of the local and regional governments to ensure their effectiveness and impact on the target populations. Mr. Rabé previously served in several positions in the Ivorian Administration. He was the Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs (DAAF) at the Ministry of Public and Social Affairs, and Director of Planning and Finance (DPF) at the Ivorian Ministry of defense. He obtained his “Diplome d’ Etudes Approfondies” (DEA) in Economics from the National University of Cote d’Ivoire in 1985, and holds a diploma in financial services Administration-General Finance Option from the National School of Administration (ENA) in Abidjan.
Bernard Gohoméné RABE is founding member and shareholder of IAMU. He is also PCA of ETS DODO, a modern transportation company with 50-plus employee, 35 hotel rooms and 16 mini-buses which provide inter-urban transportation from LAKOTA – ABIDJAN.
Dr. Sika Bassou Koudou, PhD.
Dr. Sika Koudou is a Social Science Research Analyst for the Social Security Administration. She works on various initiatives that support the Agency’s disability process. She joined the Agency as a Pathway Intern in 2009. She is a past participant of SSA’s Job Experience Learning Program and is currently a participant of the SSA Mentor Program.
Dr. Sika Koudou earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from Xavier University of Louisiana. Her experience as a McNair scholar led to her doctoral endeavors. She earned her Doctoral degree from Johns Hopkins University, Department of Sociology. Her doctoral research investigated United States race relations through the lens of international adoption.
During her tenure in the graduate program, Dr. Koudou served as the Co-President for the Black Graduate Student Association, the Graduate Liaison for the Center for Africana Studies, and a Diversity Fellow for the Office of Graduate Affairs. She was a member of Johns Hopkins University Multicultural Affairs Student Center Residential Council, Johns Hopkins University Diversity Task Force, and Johns Hopkins University Mentoring Work Group. Dr. Koudou gained classroom experience as a teaching assistant for the Introduction to Sociology, Medical Sociology, and Qualitative Research Practicum courses. She was also a research assistant for the Contemporary Marriage Study carried out by Drs. Katrina Bell McDonald and Caitlin Cross-Barnet.
As a mother of one, Dr. Koudou also enjoys traveling, attending festivals, dancing for fun, and exploring the city of Baltimore with her two-year-old daughter.
Dr. Emile V. Tabea, EdD
Dr. Emile Tabea is Adjunct Professor of English as a Second Language at Middlesex Community College Intensive English Institute. He previously taught for nearly 10 years at Cambridge College Graduate School of Education where he led professional seminars for graduate students and professional development seminars in Pedagogy for pre-and-in-service K-12 teachers. As a professional seminar leader, his responsibilities were to advise Graduate Students through their independent research projects and provide quality assurance in classrooms for pre-and-in-service K-12 teachers seeking certification and recertification. Prior to Cambridge College, Dr. Tabea taught a Sociology course as an adjunct faculty at the University of Massachusetts.
Professor Tabea’s early career interests include Social Work for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, where he worked while pursuing his Master and Doctorate Degrees in Education. As a Social Worker, he successfully advocated for the well-being of the poor, the elderly and the disabled for more than 20 years.
Dr. Tabea is the author of the book entitled “The Structured Method of Pedagogy: Effective teaching in the era of the new mission for public education in the United States,”published in 2018, and the recipient of three performance recognition awards: Cambridge College Graduate School of Education Teaching Excellence Award; the Graduate Student Leadership Award from the University of Massachusetts; and the Outstanding Performance Recognition Award from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. He obtained his EdD Degree from the University of Massachusetts. His doctoral research was on the attitudes of low-income ethnic and racial minority parents towards school vouchers
Kouakou Konan Roger, M.A.
Professor Kouakou Konan Roger is Principal Inspector and professor of English as a Second language in many schools (CAMPC, AGITEL FORMATION, LYCEE TECHNIQUE D’ABIDJAN ETC…). He combines administrative tasks and teaching. He is currently employed by DECOB (Direction des Examens, des Concours de l’Orientation et des Bourses) in the section of competitive entrance tests for vocational training schools. Along with that he is the coordinator of government sponsored students abroad. He previously worked for more than 10 years at different colleges and universities as a professor of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). As a teacher and consultant of English for ESP, Professor Kouakou Konan Roger participated in many training programs and seminars for capacity building.
Professor Kouakou is a contributor in the designing of the booklet entitled “English lessons for Technical classes” used at Lycée Technique d’Abidjan and in almost all the technical and vocational schools of Côte d’Ivoire as well as the designing of the teaching syllabi for the vocational training schools in Côte d’Ivoire. He obtained a Master Degree in Applied English from the Felix Houphouet-Boigny University, coupled with a teacher training certificate of ESP at IPNETP (National Pedagogical Institute for Vocational and Technical Training).
Theodore Bouabré, PhD
Theodore Bouabré is Professor of Language Arts-English, Coordinator of British studies and former Head of the English Department at Université Felix Houphouet Boigny of Cocody, Cote d’Ivoire. He previously worked as an Assistant Professor of English literature at Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi (USA). As a PhD student, Dr. Bouabré held a Graduate Teaching Assistant position in Comparative Literature at Indiana University in Bloomington Indiana (USA). He later taught Language Arts-English as an Adjunct Professor at Université Internationale de Grand Bassam, Cote d’Ivoire from 2008 to 2015.
Dr. Bouabré attended numerous conferences in the United States of America as well as in Africa and is the author of several peer reviewed articles, among them Allegory and Politics in George Orwell’sAnimal Farm; Bessie Head’s A Question of Power; Mythopoeisis, Childhood and History in Ben Okri’s; The Famished Road.
Dr. Bouabré received his first doctorate degree in English Literature from the Charles De Gaulle University of Lille, France and his PhD in Comparative Literature from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. He has many years of Language Arts-English teaching experience, which gave him the opportunity to chair many Master theses in English Literature.
Dr. Bouabré’s research interests are in the area of English literature and culture and the translations from English to the French language.
Munir Hassan, Ph.D.
Dr. Munir Hassan received his M.B.A. in Finance with distinction and Ph.D. in Financial Economics from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the United States of America (USA). His area of specialty is Corporate Finance, International Trade Theory & Money, Banking and Financial Institutions. For the past two decades, he has taught a wide range of courses in Finance, Economics, Accounting and Global Supply Chain Management at several American Universities.
Dr. Hassan also taught as an International faculty member at North South University, Daffodil International University in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Kuwait-Maastricht Business School (KMBS), Gulf University of Science& Technology (GUST), Arab Open University (AOU) in Kuwait and ADA (Azerbaijan Diplomatic Affairs) University in Baku, Azerbaijan.
During his twenty seven years long academic teaching career in USA, he has taught at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of South Dakota, South Dakota State University, Gustavus Adolphus College, Truman State University, Fort Hays State University, Southwestern College, Claflin University, University of South Carolina, Park University, & Allen University.
His teaching philosophy and pedagogical skills have earned him several teaching awards as well as the most prestigious “The James E. Hunter Professor of the year-2006” as an outstanding faculty member. He has been working as a MBA Director, Finance Program Coordinator, Chairman of the Department of Economics, Finance & Accounting in different academic institutions in USA. His last appointment was Chairman of the Division of Business Administration (equivalent to Dean) and Professor of Finance at Allen University in Columbia, South Carolina, USA.
His active involvement at professional meetings resulted in numerous presentations, publication of a book, Book Chapter published in Europe, and several paper publications in reputable journals in USA and abroad. His on-going research continues in the field of International Trade& Finance and his productive scholarship is further integrated into his coursework.
He has been appointed as a consultant by the College Board & ETS (Education Testing Services, Princeton, New Jersey, USA) since 2001. At present time he has been appointed as a consultant in the following organizations:
*) Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC)
*) Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA), under Ministry of Finance, Kuwait Govt.
*) Kuwait Institute of Banking studies (K IBS), Safat, Kuwait City
*) NBK (National Bank of Commerce) Academy
He has served both as a teaching faculty member and as an administrator in different educational institutions. As an administrator he has played a major role in developing academic curriculum for finance majors both undergraduate and graduate programs and a full-fledged Master of Business Administration (MBA) program. Dr Hassan’s service to his profession, department, institution and community continues to be extensive. He is an active member of a number of professional organizations and since 2006 he has been serving as a board member for National Social Science Organization. (www.nssa.us) and promoted to an Executive board member in 2012.
As of today his academic achievement records are as follows.
1)Supervisor: Forty Six MBA (Master of Business Administration) theses.
2) External Examiner of MBS Theses: Ninety two
3) External Examiner of Ph.D. Theses: Six
Davide Carisi
Davide Carisi is professor of Money and Banking. He is also a professor of Corporate Financial Strategy at Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC), the Abidjan campus. Mr Carisi holds an MBA in Investment Banking from the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) and a Bachelor Degree in Political Science (Specialisation in Finance and Economics) from the University of Pavia, Italy.
Prior to teaching, Davide Carisi worked for 21 years in the finance and banking industry in Italy as an investment analyst before moving to London to improve his experience in the financial markets and study English. During his stay in the United Kingdom, Davide completed a Financial Analysis and EValuations Course at London School of Business and Finance (Market based Valuations: P/E and P/S, P/B,P/Cash Flow, Enterprise Value and ratio analysis) in 2016 and a Financial Modelling Course at the Corporate Finance Institute in 2018, alongside an M and A Modelling Course from the Corporate Finance Institute in London. Davide Carisi has been living in Cote d’Ivoire since 2018.
Dr. Adel Mohsen
Dr. Adel holds a PhD in International Economics from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), MALAYSIA, Master in Finance from the Arabic Academy of Banking and Financial Sciences, SYRIA, and Bachelor Degree in Economics (specialisation in Accounting) from Damascus University, SYRIA. He is a senior lecturer in some universities in Abidjan since 2017.
He teaches Economics, Corporate Finance, Financial Management, Investment, Financial Markets, International Finance, International Economics, Financial Accounting, Cost and Management Accounting, and Econometrics in undergraduate and graduate levels. His major research areas are in economics, finance, investment, international economics, and international finance. He has been living in Cote d’Ivoire since 2017.
E-mail: adelmhsen@hotmail.com